More About Me

Finding that perfect place to live can be exciting, yet intimidating. On the selling side, turning a memory-filled home into a house to sell can be thrilling, yet challenging as you prepare to move on. On the buying side, finding the house of your dreams may be exciting, and yet daunting.

My promise is to be responsive to your concerns and questions. I will guide and advise you throughout the buying and/or selling process. I will assist sellers with the crucial steps of preparing their home for sale, and help home buyers see the potential in those not so perfect properties.

I was born and raised in the Detroit suburbs and moved to California as an adult. As an interior designer for more than 10 years, I understand the importance of presentation, style and creativity when it comes to home. My ability to stage a house for sale and/or conceptualize a space to fit the design and atmosphere you want in your next home is a perfect match with my real estate experience.

Each sale or purchase of a home is a deeply personal and unique experience. I am committed to make your experience as hassle-free as possible. Give me a call or email me any time, whether it's simply to ask a question or help you realize your home goals. I welcome the opportunity to make a difference for you, your family, and your life.

